Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Psalm 70, Isaiah 50:4-9, Hebrews 12:1-3, John 13:21-32

Psalm 70

Uploaded on Aug 13, 2009
This is Psalm 70 (lit. from NIV) put to music by the Solomon's Porch worship band, off of their album "Invite Us".
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    Lord, as your servant, I beg you to release me that I may serve you. You have given me the tongue of a teacher. Let me sustain the weary with your word. Let me listen so I may not be rebellious, but stand with your Son as he faces good-byes, as he is crucified. Let me listen beneath the cross as those who are taught.

    As I stand, surrounded by by those who have stood in faith before me, let me run with perseverance the race that is set before me. Give me courage to embrace hardship, pain, and to face strong opposition for the sake of securing your promises. Help me to endure on account that my obedience will make me malleable so you can shape me to your will.

    Let me not betray you or in any way trouble you in spirit, Jesus. Rather let me be the servant of servants. The washer of the feet of those need your grace and my love. As we face the night that is to come, prepare us by your love to love one another.

    The daily readings are adapted from The Book of Common PrayerDaily Readings for Year One.

    *My personal study bible for this Liturgical Year is The Wesley Study Bible, New Revised Standard Version, Abingdon Press, 2009

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Bethany Gallagher Guest Blogger - Desparation

Desperation only comes when there is a...
Bethany Gallagher3:14pm Feb 16
Desperation only comes when there is a recognized need that is beyond our own ability to meet.

(1) dangerously reckless or violent as from urgency or despair
(2) Showing extreme courage; especially of actions courageously undertaken as a last resort
(3) Showing extreme urgency or intensity especially because of great need or desire

Contrary to the way we view things, desperation is not a bad thing.
We have let the world define things for us, and, by the worlds definition, desperation is a condition to be avoided at all costs.
But from a Divine perspective there are many blessings and even promises of God that cannot be obtained apart from being desperate.
I believe the Spirit's message to us all is, "You have been weighed in the balance and found wanting."

When we see in the Word the life that is available to us, and we see in our own lives and churches the low level of spiritual life and the absence of spiritual power, It should create a sense of emptiness within us, A recognition of falling short of the glory that has been prepared for us.

This in turn should serve to stir in us a sense of desperation.
Desperation because we have recognized the need of spiritual power to reach the lost, to heal the hurting and to deliver the oppressed. and because we know that only God can give us what we’re lacking.

Blessed are the desperate: for they will tear the roof off if and when necessary.
For they will push through the crowd.
Because they won’t be offended – (even the dogs eat the crumbs).
For they will gladly give up dignity for an encounter with deity (like Zacchaeus in the sycomore tree).
For they will break barriers - (the lepers; the woman with an Issue of blood).
For they will lay in the dirt or climb a tree or jump in a lake.
For they will not argue about what God does or how he does it.-(Jesus put mud and spit into the blind mens' eyes).
Blessed are the desperate for if it was not for them The Presence and the Power of God would never be manifested in our churches at all.
It is not religion, or ceremony, or tradition, or methods or programs, or preaching or singing that brings the power of God into a church.
It is desperation.

Can we read the scriptures, and hear Jesus say, 
"The works I do shall ye do also, and greater than these shall ye do. These signs shall follow them that believe in my name: they shall cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues, if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them, and they shall lay their hands on the sick and they shall recover."
I believe the divine will of God would be that, at this very moment, every one of us would become desperate for an encounter with the power of almighty God. 
Desperate beyond comfort, desperate beyond reputation, desperate beyond tradition, desperate beyond cosmetics, desperate beyond emotions, desperate beyond reason, desperate beyond the good fellowship of friends and family who are satisfied to stay in the boat.
Desperate enough to risk ridicule, desperate enough to risk failure,
If you haven’t risked anything then you have never become desperate.
When you become desperate people will criticize you.
You will lose a certain amount of religious standing.
You will be looked at as overboard, extreme, unusual, weird.
People will try to hold you down, shut you up, You may get your fingers stepped on as you crawl through the crowd. You, for sure, will get your feelings stepped on.

But the bottom line is this, If you truly become desperate then you will get what you are asking for.

Blessed are the desperate for they will do whatever it takes to get what God has promised them.