Monday, June 20, 2016

Recognition – Baby Step 13

READ: Psalm 88

My Song is Love Unknown Samuel Crossman (1664)
1 My song is love unknown, 
my Savior’s love to me. 
Love to the loveless shown, 
that they might lovely be. 
Oh, who am I that for my sake, 
oh, who am I that for my sake 
my Lord should take frail flesh and die?
2 He came from heaven’s throne 
salvation to bestow; 
but they refused, and none 
the longed-for Christ would know. 
This is my friend, my friend indeed, 
this is my friend, my friend indeed, 
who at my need, his life did spend.
3 Sometimes they crowd his way 
and his sweet praises sing, 
resounding all the day 
hosannas to their King. 
Then, “Crucify!” is all their breath, 
then, “Crucify!” is all their breath, 
and for his death they thirst and cry.
4 Why, what has my Lord done 
to cause this rage and spite? 
He made the lame to run 
and gave the blind their sight. 
What injuries, yet these are why, 
what injuries, yet these are why 
the Lord Most High so cruelly dies.
5 With angry shouts they have 
my dear Lord done away;
a murderer they save, 
the Prince of Life they slay.
Yet willingly, he bears the shame,
yet willingly, he bears the shame,
that through his name all might be free.
6 Here might I stay and sing 
of him my soul adores:
never was love, dear King, 
never was grief like yours.
This is my friend in whose sweet praise,
this is my friend in whose sweet praise
I all my days would gladly spend.


Oh, Lord, please break my heart as my body is broken, that I might see the gift of your Salvation. May I recognize my frailty as an opportunity to show ways I might run though lame, might see though blind, might be free though bound. Let me see the willingness of the Prince of Life to set aside his throne, take on the frailty of human life, and willingly allow Himself to be broken so I might be free. Let me find the freedom beyond my pain in praise. I would gladly spend all my days lost in wonder and praise. Amen.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Baby Step Twelve: Second Chances

June 11, 2016

Read Acts 4:32-37 and Psalm 15

Barnabas, whose name means “son of encouragement,” is first made known in scripture when he sells his field and brings all the proceeds to the apostles to encourage the spread of the Good News of Jesus' death and resurrection. As the Acts of the Apostles continues to unfold, Barnabas becomes the disciple of second chances.

Paul comes to Jerusalem to seek the blessing of the Apostles. Only Barnabas is willing to listen to Paul’s story, take him before the Apostles, and vouch for him. Paul a “second chance” to carry the Good News beyond the Jewish community. Barnabas and Mark go with Paul on his next missionary journey. Part way into the trip, Mark turns around and goes home.

Paul considers Mark as undependable. It is Barnabas, who gives Mark a “second chance.” Rather than go with Paul, Barnabas goes on a missionary journey with Mark. Paul subsequently asks for Mark to be warmly received because he has been useful in ministry.

I think of the many “second chances” my parents, my husband, my children, my friends have given me. We all fall short.  We take a wrong turn and end up somewhere we didn’t plan to go.

We tell a little lie that doesn’t stay so small. We hurt our friends and blame others for actions we have willingly and knowingly taken. We fail to keep our word because it seems too costly. We take bribes, just to get a little bit ahead of our neighbor. We cut a corner here or there.

Oh, that we could all be a Barnabas. Son of encouragement. Giver of second chances.

Prayer: We thank you for the second chances we received today and yesterday. We are thankful for Barnabas, who reminds us we serve a God of second chances. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Baby Step Eleven: Smile, Laugh Sing

Each morning during the season of Pentecost, I am reminded of God’s creative power. Of the Holy Spirit that “moved over the face of the waters to bring light and life to God’s creation.” I begin by asking God to “pour out His Spirit on this day that I might walk as a child of light.” I am reminded to watch as the “Spirit of God fills the whole world.” (Morning Prayer, Monday - Pentecost)

What power, what grace, what joy is mine. I do not walk alone in the darkness. I need not shuffle, barely moving my feet. In one sweeping Word my Lord and Savior “forgives all my sins and heals all my infirmities.” Does that mean all pain is swept away? No, but by focusing on His light and my lightness in each new day, I can set my pain aside. I can concentrate on His goodness. (Psalm 103)

This morning, and every morning, the shades are drawn back so I can see the power of God in my life where I find forgiveness for my anger, healing for my anxiety, a way out from my depression. I can raise my head. I need not watch my feet. I can stand tall holding not just my walker, but grasping God’s steadfast love and mercy.

I am reminded God’s Pentecostal power opens His this day and every day love and mercy. I can be a mirror, a reflection of His forgiving nature. I can choose to hold on to the creative power of decency, kindness, honesty, and integrity. When I walk as a child of the light, that should be what
others see: Him in me.

Smile; don’t frown. Laugh; don’t cry. Sing; don’t whine. Be a window for His goodness. Be door to his righteousness. The path is well-lighted. I am His and He is mine. He renews my strength for each baby step I take this day.