Jan 2
am: 34
pm: 33
Gen 12:1-7
Heb 11:1-12
John 6:35-42, 48-51
this morning I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. I know, I know – the
Trouble is when I get this way I tend to over-do and then over-pay. So today, may I just say I am sick and tired
of being sick and tired - and praise you for deliverance from the Trouble –
trusting I can just be sick and tired of being sick and tired?
I am sick
and tired of being sick and tired
Always a
day late and a dollar short
Making do
with what I do not have
Some days all I can do is ask
others to magnify the Lord for me
I do not have the strength to do
it myself
Can I, like David, find You near
when I am broken-hearted and crushed in spirit?
Keep my bones, Lord, and rescue me
from my afflictions
Allow me to give you
New songs, new melodies, new
understanding because
I know Your character
Demands an internal disposition of
praise because You are Worthy
Tell me again how You fashion a
garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness
I wait to be passed over and to
Reach out to touch Your robe as
you pass by
Ever thankful that I
Do not have to be whole to be
whole-hearted and whole-ly Yours
Believing and trusting, faithfully
Existing and looking more deeply
Inward beyond my pain
Noting it as I pass it by reaching
God-emancipation, God-expansion,
God-exculpation, God-exoneration
Step by step
Instead of by leaps and bounds
Crawling forward
Knowing the disillusionment of
moving back
Assuage my thirst for wellness,
Draw me to Living Water
Trusting the unseen to be more
I need to know that unlike other
life-giving gifts
Resting in the great I AM
Eternal life is not only future
but now
Dying You give me the hope and
grace, faith and joy, strength and illumination
And that IS the disposition and
magnification which creates joy and new songs
The Soli Deo Gloria which has
nothing to do with being SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED
So be it.
Soli Deo
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