Thursday, May 30, 2013

God Remembers What You Say in Faith

*TESTIMONY* God Remembers What You Say In...

God Remembers What You Say In Faith
Isaiah 55:11 

11So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

Some years back, I had a skin condition which refused to heal. I told God about it and began to take the Holy Communion believing and confessing that by Jesus’ stripes I was healed. Nothing happened, or so it seemed.

But the Lord did not forget about my skin condition. One day, He prompted me to check my body to see if it was still there. I did so and realized that it had disappeared! God had not forgotten the Word which I had confessed in faith.

A mother and daughter, who had been listening to my sermon tapes, began to believe that as the righteousness of God in Christ, they attracted the blessings of God. At that time, the mother had entered her name in a number of lucky draw contests. Together, they believed for the grand prize of one of these contests, which was a S$470,000 private apartment.

Soon after, the mother won two microwave ovens, a rice cooker and a S$5,000 wristwatch. In the excitement of winning those prizes, they completely forgot about the grand prize. But God did not forget what they had believed Him for. Some time later, they received news that the mother was the winner of the private apartment!

Maybe you shared God’s Word with a troubled friend a few years ago. You bump into him one day and he tells you, “Remember that day? You said something which transformed my life!” Your mind draws a blank because you have forgotten what you said. But God did not forget. He remembered what you said that day in faith.

You see, if the words you confess in faith for yourself or over your loved ones are God’s own words, He says, “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Because what is promised to you is God’s Word, you will see the manifestation of His promise. He will certainly watch over His Word to perform it! (Numbers 23:19)


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Higher Ground

The hymn "Higher Ground" was written by Johnson Oatman, Jr. and composed by Charles H. Gabriel. The Bible reference is Philippians 3:14, to press forward for God's call.

The picture shown here is of "The Mittens" both East and West located in Monument Valley, Utah, USA and part of the Navajo Nation. Monument Valley Hospital is located nearby which was once operated by the Seventh Day Adventist Church. In 1924 Harry Goulding established a trading post which is still in operation today, although under different management. During the 1950s Goulding encouraged the employment of Navajos in the uranium industry as well as in holding parts in the movie industry.


Higher Ground

Uploaded on May 29, 2009
Best Loved Hymns - Higher Ground
Category:  People & Blogs
License:  Standard YouTube License

Higher Ground
I'm pressing on the upward way,
New heights I'm gaining every day;
Still praying as I'm onward bound,
'Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.'

Lord, lift me up and let me stand,
By faith, on Heaven's table land,
A higher plane than I have found;
Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.

Verse Two
My heart has no desire to stay
Where doubts arise and fears dismay;
Though some may dwell where those abound,
My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.


Verse Three
I want to live above the world,
Though Satan's darts at me are hurled;
For faith has caught the joyful sound,
The song of saints on higher ground.


Verse Four
I want to scale the utmost height
And catch a gleam of glory bright;
But still I'll pray till Heav'n I've found,
'Lord, plant my feet on higher ground.'


I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly (upward) call of God in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 3:14 (NRSV)

"Because Christ has first taken hold of him, Paul presses forward with single-minded devotion to take hold of the prize that awaits him at the finish line, perfect fellowship with Christ."

Maturity in Faith (Life Application) The John Wesley Study Bible (p.1443)
"Christian maturity involves fulfilling the purpose for our existence, namely to gain Christ, to know Christ, to be found in Christ, and to become like Christ in his death. Sometimes translated 'perfection,' this maturity is not so much a destination as the journey toward the destination. We are mature in that we are launched on the journey, but we also have further to go. Thus, Paul can talk about not having reached the goal and straining forward to what is ahead, while at the same time affirming maturity in faith..

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Jan Fraumann

I would like to share with you the testimony of a special friend.

A 1-legged great-grandmother's personal encounter with God & the devil

Ken Grimme Ken Grimme·1 video
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Published on May 9, 2013
A Christian testimony describing one woman's personal walk and her encounter with adversity. To God be the Glory!
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    Standard YouTube License

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Quick Ways to Pray

Do you struggle to find time to pray during your hectic daily life? These 10 suggestions for quick ways to pray will help you catch a few moments to talk to God in the most unlikely of places, from the shower to the elevator. Get started on your new daily prayer routine now.

1. Give an Alarm Clock Alleluia

When your alarm goes off in the morning, open your eyes and repeat this line from the Psalms: "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad."

Commit to living in gratitude for the day, and you'll soon notice how much happier your days can become.

2. Practice Shower Power

Water is a powerful spiritual symbol. As you soap and rinse in the shower, pray to be cleansed of any feelings of anger, bitterness, resentment, or regret.

Recall the words of Isaiah (58:11): "The Lord will guide you continually… You shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail."

3. Practice Driveway Meditation

This one is especially for those who commute to work. Turn your time behind the wheel into time for prayer. Before starting the car engine, place your hands lightly on the steering wheel and breathe deeply several times. Ask the Holy Spirit to steer you through your day. Back out of your driveway slowly, and remain aware of the slowness.

As you drive, think about your 'to-be' list. Let words like compassionate, serene and diligent percolate through your mind. Let grace-filled thoughts carry you in a loving manner through the day.

4. Climb Stairs
If you work on an upper floor in a multi-story building, skip the elevator and climb the stairs. Make your climb work for your body and your soul.

Climb thoughtfully, breathing slowly. Use the time alone to experience a connection with God. Pause at each landing. Catch your breath, and focus for a moment on the blessings in your life. Say thanks before continuing your climb.

5. Elevator Blessings

No stairs? Next time you share an elevator with someone, say a silent prayer. Ask God to meet the other person's unique needs. Add a smile of your own.

6. Try Prayerful Single-Tasking

We all feel too busy. It has become a workplace axiom that multi-tasking is a good thing, but a growing body of research shows that it actually erodes productivity.

Instead of dividing our concentration among many tasks, do one thing at a time-prayerfully. Offer your work as a prayerful gift to God. Ask for the grace to do it meaningfully, and without anxiety.

7. Fast for One Minute

In times of stress, we are often tempted to reach for foods that aren't healthy for us.

Before you reach for the fried foods, sugar or chips- try this. Wait one minute. Offer the minute to God and ask for the grace you need to control your appetite. Chances are you'll no longer be tempted until the minute is up. If you do give in-just remember, God forgives you. Forgive yourself.
8. Touch the Earth

Native Americans have this saying: "Never let a day go by without touching the earth with your foot." If only a couple of times each week, take a five or ten minute break to walk in a meditative way. Give up your usual energized stride to pay attention to the movement of lifting your leg, bending your knee, and placing your foot. Observe your breathing and your body. Look around. Notice the squirrels, the trees, and the sounds of nature. Nature tunes us into God's presence.

9 . Cook up a Memory
Next time you cook, pay attention to the memories that are sparked by the dishes you make. Perhaps you have old recipes lying around that you have forgotten about. Bless all those who sweeten your recollections, thanking God for the spiritual nourishment these people have brought to your life.

10. Pray a Peanut Butter Minute

This is a good one for moms of school kids. When making your child's lunch, whisper a prayer as though you are sending the prayer right into your child's meal. You might even tuck in a blessing on a post-it note.

Excerpted from "Grace on the Go: 101 Quick Ways to Pray"
by Barbara Bartocci with permission from Morehouse Publishing.